Thoughts for the Scattered Mind

an exploration of life by Andrew Pak

Welcome to the interior of another being’s mind. The human imagination is endless, terrifying, our greatest asset, and our worst enemy. Here’s a nice background picture for you to look at while you pass by.

Latest work so far…

gym rat

10pm workouts with bitter tunes blasting
he pushes hard against the bars /
the strain hurts better than
life's pain, but the prison's shaking /
he pulls the dead-hanging body up by the arms
reaching for the heights
he could never reach before.

/ his body outgrows itself
// it stretches the skin and yawns to break free
/// the inner lusts to consume the outer

sometimes old things don't want to die
but to not go gentle into that good night /
what more glorious graduation from life
than the self-explosive nature of growth
in a body that tires of being weak /

the rat is merely a mouse trying to survive
in a world that seeks to crush him /
bitter tunes blasting, he pushes hard against the bars /
they push back.
the prison's shaking / he sees the heights 
he could only dream of before.

and so he pushes harder.

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